Shipping Lithium Batteries

What makes lithium batteries dangerous?

While lithium batteries keep our electronics powered and our world connected, they can also pose a fire risk. Lithium batteeries are designed to contain high levels of electric energy. If packed incorrectly or if damaged, they can short-circuit, which can lead to overheating and catching fire.

What does this mean for my parcel?

BPS accepts lithium batteries that meet the criteria for UN 3481 as define in the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations. To ship these parcels safely and within compliance, they must be packed, labelled, and documented properly.

Failure to comply with IATA Dangerous Goods can result in accidents which put personell and equipment at risk. Contact BPS any time you intend to ship lithium batteries. For more information on [IATA Dangerous Goods, here](

We can help

Unsure whether your parcel contains lithium batteries or other dangerous goods? Contact our support staff and they'll help answer all your questions.

Contact BPS support

Who's responsibility is this?

It's the shipper's responsibility to ensure dangerous goods are declared, packed, and labelled in accordance with regulations. What BPS can do is make the process as easy as possible for you to follow the regulations. With teamwork, we'll get your lithium battery shipped in no time!